Club Business FAQ

  1. Who can update club information and how can it be updated?
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  2. Can members of a club committee be appointed?
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  3. How does a club officer or district leader access Club Central or District Central?
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  4. Are there any online tools for club meetings?
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  5. Can I view, update or print my club's Addendum of Standard Club Options?
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  6. What is the process for changing a club’s name?
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  7. What is a quorum?
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  8. I was elected to a club officer role vacancy during the middle of a term. What is my start date in the role?
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  9. What happened to Logos, Images, and Templates?
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  10. How does the club status impact recognition and club business?
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  11. Can the club create club level policies?
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  12. How can I get a copy of our Bylaws?
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  13. Is there a limit for club purchases the club officers can make without a club vote?
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  14. What club business can an officer conduct online?
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  15. What decisions voted upon by the club executive committee also require a club membership vote?
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  16. What is the proper procedure to change an aspect of the club’s operations?
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  17. How do I update where my club location displays on the Find a Club map?
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